Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The Ultimate Struggle


Author: Clive Barker
Year Published: 2015
Pages: 361
Genre: Horror

The genius of Clive Barker needs no introduction to the horror novel crowd. I hadn't read Clive Barker - ever. Shame on me, I know. I DID watch the movie Hellraiser many, many years ago, which is based on the prequel to The Scarlet Gospels named The Hellbound Heart. When I discovered The Scarlet Gospels on the shelves at the library, I didn't realize that it was a sequel. Being familiar with the movie Hellraiser which creeped me out and gave me nightmares as a teen, I thought The Scarlet Gospels would make a good read, and I wouldn't be missing any details. I was correct. And VERY glad I picked up this book. 

Clive Barker could be described as none other than the master of horror. As a Stephen King fan, I think even he would agree that Clive Barker is the master. Making a comparison, Stephen King is the master of psychological horror, but when it comes to gore combined with capturing the most unimaginable terrors of the reader, Clive Barker outdoes himself. 

The book tells the tale of the Hell Priest aka Pinhead, who is on a mission to take over Hell. He murders the world's most powerful magicians in order to steal their knowledge so he can, of course, use it for none other than taking on the King of Hell himself - Lucifer. I won't spoil how that turns out for him - but it makes for rapid page turning and not being able to put the book down at the end of a chapter - even when I have laundry or dinner to attend to. 

The hero of the story is detective Harry D'Amour. When he happens upon the infamous puzzle box that opens the door to Hell, he goes to his friend Norma who is a psychic medium, for help. Long story short, Norma is dragged into Hell by the Hell Priest for ransom. Harry goes into Hell after them in an attempt to rescue his friend and hopefully stop the Hell Priest's plans to take over Hell - which would result in a war that both the human and inhuman world has never seen. 

Get the paperback here: 

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