Saturday, November 27, 2021


I'm sad. I'm discouraged. I'm disappointed. I'm struggling. Can ANYONE relate to that? No? Just me?


I'm also utterly alone in my struggle. Maybe the universe says, "No you're not. We're here boo." 


Obviously this isn't a book review. But hey, it's my blog. I can write about whatever flows from the depths of my dark soul. Does anyone have to listen? No. Will anyone listen? Probably not. I suppose I have to be okay with that so that I can do whatever it is I'm going to do with my life. 

Everyone struggles. I get it. Some people's struggles are much more intense and severe than what I'm dealing with currently. But getting a rejection letter from grad school is not the struggle that I wanted to embrace. 

But....embrace it I shall! 😎 

Now to work on plan B. 

I'm not quite over my disappointment. That will take some time. Grad school wasn't in the cards. Or was it? Should I apply to another grad school? Or should I just take the rejection as a sign that this isn't the path I'm supposed to take? If it isn't then what next? 

Any suggestions? Comments? 

Just my raw thoughts put out into the world for everyone's potential criticism. 

Now to go live my life. Clock's ticking. 


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